The investigation into the police report on the death of 18-year-old Lulzim Fejzullahu begins
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1 year ago
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The Kosovo police had reported that the 18-year-old Lulzim Fejzullahu had been stabbed with a knife. In connection with this report, investigations have been launched against police officials.

The news was made known to KosovaPress by the Chief of the PIK, Kushtrim Hodaj, who emphasized that regarding this case, the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo, according to its official duties, has started a preliminary investigation that includes, among other things, the collection of additional information about the actions of the police, as well as securing all documents related to this case.

"Other actions will be taken depending on the findings of the preliminary investigation and the legal authorizations of the PIK", the announcement states.

Lulzim Fejzullahu, 18 years old from Podujeva, eight days ago was hit by a car by suspected persons who then beat him to death with metal rods.

After the attack, the deceased was sent to UCCK for medical treatment, where he died 6 days later.

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