​Kurti congratulates KosovaPress: In the fire of war, during a bitter winter, the News Agency was born
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The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, has congratulated the KosovaPress News Agency on the occasion of its 26th anniversary of its establishment and commencement of work. Recalling January 4, 1999, Prime Minister Kurti said that ‘in the fire of war during the bitter winter of that year, KosovaPress was born’.

Kurti: In the fire of war during the bitter winter, in January 1999, KosovaPress was born

“Thank you too, congratulations to KosovaPress on its birthday. Because I remember on January 4, 1999, in the fire of war during the bitter winter of that year, you were born. I wish you much success in the many years and decades to come,” Kurti congratulated KosovaPress.

KosovaPress was founded on January 4, 1999, making a major contribution to informing local and international opinion about the liberation war, Serbian crimes and NATO bombings.
KosovaPress is part of the Balkan News Agency networks, ABNA (www.abnase.com) and Europe Agency Network, EANA (www.newsalliance.com), thus completing the cycle of its memberships in the world, where Kosovo is aiming to become part of.
As of January 1, Clive Marshall, former CEO of PA Media Group News Agency in the United Kingdom, has joined the Agency as non-executive President of KosovaPress.

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