The Insurance Bureau with a notice of importance to compatriots
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2 year ago
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The Kosovo Insurance Bureau has announced that after the decision of the Government of Kosovo and that of Albania to facilitate traffic at the border crossing in Morina, it has been noticed that vehicles with foreign license plates have entered this border crossing and have not received the insurance policy at the point of the Kosovo Security Bureau at this border point. According to the Bureau, dear compatriots, the provision of security policies as you know is also a legal obligation in our country. "Any damage caused by uninsured vehicles, the damaged party according to the laws is compensated by the Compensation Fund, but then all the funds spent, the Bureau reimburses from the party that caused the accident. Therefore, at the moment you enter this border point, take the insurance policy to the offices of the Kosovo Insurance Bureau and then you can reimburse it through the platform created by the Government of Kosovo ", it is said in the announcement.
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