The Inquiry Committee on school textbooks disagrees about the list of witnesses
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In the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee regarding the process of subsidizing the purchase of textbooks and teaching aids for students at the level of primary education, lower and secondary education for the school year 2023/2024, only the work dynamics criteria were voted.

It was also discussed regarding the time dynamics of interviewing the witnesses, but the MP of this committee did not agree.

The PDK MP, Bekim Haxhiu has asked for the parliamentary investigation on school textbooks, to invite the publishing houses for the offers that have been offered to the Ministry of Education, the director of procurement, officials, and directors of education, in order to have accurate information.

Haxhiu requested that they be asked how much the previous years' financial cost was for school supplies.

Meanwhile, LDK MP Agim Veliu does not see it as necessary to call all the directors of education since 2008, because they cannot find anything.

The chairman of this committee, Shemsedin Dreshaj, has proposed that the Ministry of Education be the last to be interviewed.

Duda Balje, a member of the Vakat coalition, opposed this proposal, since the Ministry of Education is the main one and has the main information about school supplies.

Dreshaj gave two proposals for the ministry to be at the end or first, but the same were opposed by the MPs of this committee.

Regarding this list of interviewees, VV MP Arjeta Fejza stated that she will not vote until she sees how this list will be structured.

In the end, it was decided to first structure the list of witnesses for the process of subsidizing the purchase of textbooks and teaching aids for students at the level of Primary Education and Lower Secondary Education for the school year 2023/2024, and then to vote on this list. /A. Shala/

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