The importance of reporting violence, a topic of discussion with school students in Kosovo
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The importance of reporting violence was the topic with which school students in Kosovo started the day today. This was done in the framework of the global campaign "16 Days of Activation Against Gender-Based Violence.

By decision of the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, the first lesson in all schools today was dedicated to the discussion of domestic violence.

The students of the "Ahmet Gashi" school in the capital discussed this topic with the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu and the head of the parliamentary group of the Vetëvendosje Movement, Mimoza Kusari Lila.

At the launch of the global campaign, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu called for the violence to be reported.

Haxhiu: We have undertaken actions aimed at providing services to the victims

"The Ministry of Justice has the responsibility to address the policies for addressing domestic violence on a gender basis. So far we have taken many actions aimed at rehabilitating people who commit such actions, i.e. commit domestic violence or are violent in the family environment. We have also undertaken many actions aimed at providing the victims in the Republic of Kosovo with services that they need. The purpose of these meetings is to have a conversation with you and answer your questions", said Haxhiu.

Among other things, Haxhiu emphasized that they have undertaken actions to empower victims of domestic violence.

Haxhiu: The Ministry of Justice compensates victims of crime

"Today, the Ministry of Education issued a decision that all schools should talk about domestic violence in the first lesson. Our goal is to dedicate this meeting to this topic today. We have offered free legal aid to victims of domestic violence. So, regardless of the socio-economic status of the victim, now the victims enjoy legal aid from the state. Also, the Ministry of Justice compensates victims of crime. We have also addressed additional sentences for perpetrators, in the sense that for those found guilty of domestic violence and sexual violence, the court can give an additional sentence so that the latter are not employed in the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo", added Haxhiu.

The head of the LVV Parliamentary Group, Mimoza Kusari Lila, said that there are many mechanisms to prevent violence.

She asked the students to become "allies for the prevention of violence".

Kusari-Lila: Neither mother nor sister deserve violence

"Neither mother, nor sister, nor friend, nor grandmother deserve violence. They should not be subject to violence just because they are women. They should not be subject to belittlement, denial of a right because they have less physical strength. We are as smart as they are, we can what they can, we have the same chances to have the same access and advancement as boys. I am also a mother of two sons, one 19 and the other 13 years old. I notice the difference in my 13-year-old boy, in the creation of the his identity. That hanging out with girls is, to put it mildly, a weakness in front of your friends, showing your characteristics is a weakness in front of your friends, and of course you have to be strong, to show that boys hang out with boys, and girls hang out with girls." says Kusari-Lila.

Within the framework of the global campaign "16 Days of Activation Against Gender-Based Violence", until December 10, activities will be organized by institutions and civil society organizations in Kosovo.

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