The hearing of the American soldier's testimony begins; representatives of the US government present
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In the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague, the judicial process against the former leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army is continuing. In today's session, the witness Steven Russell is being heard, who is accompanied by representatives of the American government. This is the first session after the summer break in the case of Thaçi and others, where the beginning of the session was accompanied by some technical problems. Hashim Thaçi, Kadri Veseli and Rexhep Selimi are present in the courtroom, whereas Jakup Krasniqi is following the session via video link.

The American soldier, Steven Russell, started his testimony with the questions asked by the specialized prosecutor Matthew Halling regarding the disarmament of the Kosovo Liberation Army and the delivery of weapons from the KLA to KFOR.

The witness was presented with a card, which, according to the prosecutor, says "Ministry of Public Order - official letter for Selim Krasniqi". He was asked if he had seen such cards among members of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

Witness Steven Russell stated that in the period from June to September 1999, they had the responsibility to establish order in accordance with the resolution 1244 of the United Nations. During the interview of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office, he added that the UNMIK police were not active during this period.

The witness of the Specialist Prosecutor's Office was also asked about the presence of the International Criminal Court in Kosovo. Russell said that he remembers that in the period from June to September of 1999 there was a presence of TPNj.

The head of trial panel, Charles Smith, said that the testimony of this witness is expected to last about a day, the SPO has planned an hour and a half for the questions, while the defense has estimated that it needs five hours for cross-examination. /Sh. Pajaziti

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