The government insists that Lajcak's draft for the Association be sent to Venice
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8 month ago
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Government officials insist that the draft Association proposed by the European Union be sent to the Venice Commission for evaluation. Three days before the Kurti-Vucic meeting in Brussels, the executive say that the EU's high representative for foreign policy, Josep Borrell, or the emissary for dialogue, Miroslav Lajçak, can send the draft for an advisory opinion to Venice, so that, in addition to the content, it also takes an official form. Meanwhile, political analysts also welcome the government's request to the EU to send the draft statute of the Association proposed for Kosovo to Venice, but emphasize the need for Kosovo to fulfill its obligations from international agreements for the Association.

The Deputy Minister of Justice, Vigan Qorrolli, tells KosovaPress that the EU and Lajcak must legalize the draft statute for the establishment of the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority in Kosovo. He adds that in its current form as a non-paper after a signature, logo, and separated from the Brussels and Ohrid agreement, the government is unable to send it to the Constitutional Court.

The political analyst, Dorajet Imeri, says for KosovaPress, that in order to get out of the current deadlock in the dialogue and to try to find a solution to the topic of the Association, it would be good for the EU to send to Venice the draft of the Association proposed for Kosovar institutions.

However, the expert on European integrations, Dritëro Arifi, declares that the EU has no obligation to send the draft of the Association to Venice.

According to him, the establishment of the Association is an obligation of Kosovo, therefore Arifi considers such requests more electoral than rationalistic.

The Government of Kosovo refuses to send the EU's constitutional draft for the Association, asking the EU to send that draft to the Venice Commission.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti will meet with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, on June 26 in Brussels, where the main topic will be the implementation of the Brussels agreement and the Ohrid annex.

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