The government approved the draft law on the emergency management agency
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The Government of Kosovo has approved the Draft Law on the emergency management agency. Through this draft law, it was said that the role of the agency in the management of emergencies at the national level, preparation and coordination of rescue and protection structures will be strengthened. The executive also gave the green light to the initiative for the conclusion of the cooperation agreement "Protocol for Training and Cooperation in the field of Military Health" between the Ministry of Defense of Kosovo and the Ministry of Defense of Turkey.

The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Public Administration, Bardhyl Dobra, said that the Draft Law on the emergency management agency will improve the response to emergencies and strengthen national security.

Justifying the need for an agreement with Turkey on "military health", Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that it will be possible to increase the quotas for medical treatments for the soldiers of the Kosovo Security Force in the military hospitals of Turkey.

In addition to these, the government also decided on the establishment of the steering committee for the supervision of the implementation of the "Young Professionals Scheme" project within the IPA 2018 programs.

It also made a decision on the expropriation of properties affected by the restoration of the memorial complex in Reçak. /KosovaPress/

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