The events of November 9
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​The second day of the "Population Census Week 2023" conference is held, organized by the Agency of Statistics of Kosovo (ASK). (Hotel "Sirius", Pristina, 09:30)

The Security and Defense Affairs Committee discusses the draft law on public gatherings. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-506, 10:00)

The Committee for Budgets, Labor and Transfers reviews the annual financial report of the Central Election Commission for the year 2021. (Kosovo Assembly, room C-203, 10:00)

The director of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency Petrit Ajeti reports to the Committee for the Supervision of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-303, 10:00)

The Ministry of Internal Affairs holds a meeting with local residents and representatives of the Municipal Council for Community Safety. (Primary School "Agim Ramadani", Zheger, Gjilan, 10:00)

The Parliamentary Investigative Committee regarding the decision-making process in the energy sector for the period 2006-2022, at the legislative, executive, regulatory level and in public enterprises interviews the witnesses for the period 2008-2012: Arben Gjukaj - Managing Director at KEK, Fadil Çitaku - Chairman of the Board of KEK, Agim Nika - Member of the Board of KEK, Flamur Keqa - Member of the Board of KEK, Ismail Januzi - Member of the Board of KEK, Mujë Rugova - Member of the Board of KEK , Izet Ibrahimi - KEK Board Member. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-204, 13:00)

The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports holds the annual award ceremony for the competition for original Albanian drama "Katarina Josipi". (National Library of Kosovo, 13:00)

The match between Kosovo and Ukraine takes place, valid for the 2024 Futsal World Cup qualifications. (Palace of Youth and Sports, Pristina, 17:00)

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