The events of November 29
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The Ad-Hoc Commission for Electoral Reform in Kosovo holds a workshop. (Hotel "Emerald", Pristina, 09:00)

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Kosovo organizes the Information Integrity Conference, DISICON, on November 29 and 30. The conference is organized under the general theme "Vulnerabilities of citizens to disinformation: How do democracies navigate the informational space on the Internet?" (Klan Arena, 09:30)

The Committee for Economy, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade examines the National Plan of Radio - Frequencies. (Assembly building, 10:00)

The Committee for Security and Defense Issues reviews the Draft Law on the Pensions of Police Officers of the Kosovo Police and Employees of the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo with police authorizations. (Assembly building, 10:00)

The Chamber of Pharmacists of Kosovo organizes the discussion table with the topic "Legislation in the pharmaceutical sector - Access to drugs for patients". (Garden Hotel, Pristina, 10:00)

The delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe holds a meeting with the ambassadors of the member states of the Council of Europe accredited in Kosovo. (Assembly of Kosovo, 11:00)

The Committee for Economy, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade discusses the Draft Law on budget allocations for the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo for the year 2023, for the institutions that are under the scope of the Committee. (Assembly building, 11:00)

The Committee for Security and Defense Affairs discusses the Draft Law on budget allocations for the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo for the year 2023, for the institutions that are under the scope of the Committee. (Assembly building, 11:00)

The Committee for the Supervision of Public Finances reviews the budget of the NAO, foreseen in the Draft Law no. 08/L-193 on budget allocations for the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo for 2023. Invited: Vlora Spanca, Auditor General. (Assembly building, 11:00)

The Group for Legal and Political Studies, the Institute for Development Policy (INDEP) and the GAP Institute hold a press conference, "Tariff process in the Office of the Energy Regulator - presentation of the thematic report". (Hotel "Sirius", Pristina, 11:00)

The Committee for Environment, Food, Agriculture, Planning and Development, discusses the Draft Law on budget allocations for the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo for the year 2023, for the institutions that are in the scope of the Committee. Summoned: the Minister of MASP from 13:30 and the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Culture from 15:00 (Assembly Building, 13:00)

The program "Support in strengthening sustainable and multipurpose forest management to improve livelihoods in rural countries and address climate change in Kosovo", co-financed by the EU and the Embassy of Sweden in Pristina and implemented by FAO, will deliver to the Agency Forestry of Kosovo the first contingent of equipment. (Blinaja hunting ground, near Pristina airport, 14:00)

The Committee for Public Administration, Local Government, Media and Regional Development discusses the Draft Law on budget allocations for the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo for the year 2023, for the institutions that are in the scope of the Committee. (Assembly building, 16:00)

The Democracy for Development Institute (D4D) organizes the next discussion, with the topic "Women in business - Challenges and prejudices they face in the business environment?". ("Dukagjini" bookstore, Pristina at 17:00)

The premiere of the documentary film "Beyond the Darkness", which deals with the topic of abuse and violence against women. (Kino Armata, 19:00)

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