The election of Talat Xhaferi as the head of the Government of Macedonia is considered a positive step for the entire region
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10 month ago
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Political analyst Dritëro Arifi has stated that the factorization of Albanians in North Macedonia, until today's great achievement, where an Albanian prime minister will be elected for the first time, made a great contribution to the Albanian society in this country and the sacrifice and the war of the KLA, because this is how history begins.

Arifi told KosovaPress that the KLA war has given the Albanians in North Macedonia a factorization.

He added that since the Ohrid and Prespa Agreement, Macedonia's membership in NATO and now its journey to the EU, the main factor is the Albanians.

Arifi said that the goal is not in the challenges, but should be seen as a state-forming element of the Albanians in North Macedonia.

This government will function until the election of the new government in the parliamentary elections scheduled for May 8.

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