The dialogue at a dead end, pessimism that the pressure on Serbia will have an effect
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2 year ago
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The final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia is not on the horizon this year either, despite increasing international pressure on Serbia to advance in this process and to impose sanctions on Russia. The same, from experts in international relations, are considered to be without effect, while there is a time and thematic framework for the final agreement.

Pessimistic about progress in the dialogue process are also from the opposition, but in the ruling party, they say that they are using the current geopolitical situation to push Kosovo's agenda forward in the dialogue process, but they emphasize that Serbia is a deconstructive party.

The dialogue process started on March 8, 2011, after the UN General Assembly Resolution which welcomed the ICJ's advisory opinion on the declaration of Kosovo's independence and welcomed the EU's willingness to facilitate the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

The professor of international relations, Dritëro Arifi, tells KosovaPress that the United States of America must be specifically involved in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

According to him, while there are no deadlines and concrete topics on the table, pressure on the Serbian side from the international community will have no effect.

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