The chauvinistic chants of Serbian fans are considered evidence of Vucic's great-Serbia politics
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The display of flags, slogans and chants of Serbian fans with political, chauvinistic and racist messages against Kosovo, during the match Serbia - England, in the framework of Euro 2024, is being considered as evidence of the installation of chauvinistic spirit by the Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic and his great-Serbia politics.

The MP of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Time Kadrijaj, tells KosovaPress that it is a sin that in this century and 25 years after the war in Kosovo, young Serbs still stand behind Milosevic's criminal policies.

According to her, yesterday's actions of the Serbian fans do no honor to anyone, therefore there should be an official reaction from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora and UEFA.

Political analyst, Arbnor Sadiku, considers the political messages of Serbian fans in the Serbia-England match to be manifestations of Serbian nationalism and chauvinism.

According to him, the politics of the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, is the continuation of the former butcher of the Balkans, Slobodan Milosevic.

On the other hand, the Football Federation of Kosovo announced during the day that it has officially reacted to UEFA for the political, chauvinistic and racist messages against Kosovo.

According to FFK, the unhindered display of such messages and appeals in a grand event like Euro 2024 is senseless and absurd. "Through such calls, the hatred sown in the public opinion in Serbia against its neighbors is proven", it is said in their reaction./E.Zeqiri/

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