The CEC clarifies the dilemmas for placing cameras in polling stations and for creating the Voters List
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11 month ago
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The Central Election Commission (CEC) has made a statement regarding the decision of this institution to place cameras in polling stations for the voting process on April 21 in the municipalities of northern Kosovo or in future election processes. Meanwhile, the issue of creating the Voters List has also been clarified.

The spokesperson of this institution, Valmir Elezi, regarding this issue, said that this is not a decision that only includes the voting process on April 21, 2024, but will apply to all future election processes.

According to Elezi, the placement of cameras in the polling stations will be done in such a way that it will preserve the secrecy of the vote and that this decision by the CEC was taken in order to preserve the integrity of the voting process and counting in the polling stations.

Elezi said that the storage of the camera recordings will be temporary, until the destruction of the electoral material.

Also, Elezi clarified the issue of the creation of the Voting List, which will be used in the voting process for or against the removal from office of the mayors of Leposaviq, Zeçan, Zubin Potok and North Mitrovica, on April 21, 2024.

He said that the CEC has followed the constitutional and legal path for the creation of the Voting List.

The CEC has also clarified the dilemmas raised in the opinion that in these municipalities the number of residents is lower compared to the number of voters.

Meanwhile, the CEC meeting scheduled for today has been postponed for another day until some matters are ready.
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