The CDBK requests from the ICMM facilities for the mining sector
Exemption from monthly interest for 2020 and 2021 and reduction of monthly interest from 2022 from 2% to 0.5% or in annual figures from 24% to 6% for late payment of rent in the ICMM, postponement of payment of installment royalties without interest and the high value of interest that businesses in the mining sector have to pay for guarantees were some of the issues discussed at the meeting of the Chamber of Doing Business in Kosovo with the director of the Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals, Ramiz Krasniqi.
The chairman of the board of the CDBK, Skender Krasniqi, stressed that the pandemic has affected almost all business sectors, and among the damaged is the quarry and mining sector, a reason which has made some of them unable to to make the payment of the royalty.