The Assembly is expected to approve the new regulation, the sanctions against the MPs and the conference of the chairmen are withdrawn
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2 year ago
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MPs will soon have to vote in the second reading the new regulation of the Assembly. Unlike the approval in principle, five months ago, this time two provisions which were evaluated by the civil society as being in conflict with the country's Constitution, have been modified. The sanctioning against MPs for non-participation in plenary sessions, in the second reading, is not included at all, only the Presidency of the Assembly is obliged to issue an internal act that regulates the manner, criteria and conditions of administration of participation and compensation of MPs. Meanwhile, the idea of ​​a "conference of chairmen", which has been considered parallel to the Presidency of the Assembly, has been withdrawn, but the current practice will be institutionalized and decision-making will be added to the heads of parliamentary groups in setting plenary sessions and the agenda.
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