The American expert reacts to Bernabic: No one has the right to block the roads and endanger public safety
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2 year ago
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The American security expert, Daniel Serwer, alluding to the barricades in the north of the country, said that no one doubts the right of the Serbs to protest, but as he said, no one has the right to block the roads, attack the police and endanger public safety.

Serwer reacted after the statements of Serbian Prime Minister Ana Bërnabiq regarding the barricades and tensions in the north of Kosovo.

"No one doubts the right of Serbs in Kosovo to protest peacefully, but they have no right to block roads, attack the police and endanger public safety. And she has no right as prime minister of Serbia to use people on the payroll of your state to destabilize a neighboring country," he wrote on Twitter.

While the prime minister of Serbia had reacted to the statement of the German diplomat Wolfgang Ischinger, who had said that he was worried about the tensions and that the European Union should take a decisive and urgent role, while he asked in a tweet whether Serbia had been made aware that inciting violence against a neighboring country like Kosovo will make it impossible to continue the process towards EU membership.

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