The accused of throwing tear gas in the Assembly: We defended the territory of Kosovo
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3 year ago
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The four accused for smuggling tear gas in the premises of the Assembly of Kosovo appeared before the Basic Court in Prishtina today. The accused, Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, AAK MP, Pal Lekaj, former MPs Donika Kada-Bujupi and Besa Baftiu have pleaded not guilty to the criminal offense of throwing tear gas in the Assembly of Kosovo in February 2016. After the indictment was considered read, the four defendants pleaded not guilty to the criminal offense of illegal possession of a weapon, and all of them requested for this process to end as soon as possible. The next session was scheduled to be held on May 18, 2021 at 13:15. The accused, Albulena Haxhiu, Donika Kada-Bujupi and Besa Baftiu stated that they will defend themselves, while the accused, Pal Lekaj will be defended in this case by the lawyer, Arianit Koci. Former LVV MP, now Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu pleaded not guilty of actions which she said had no criminal purpose.
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