Tear gas in the Assembly: Pal Lekaj does not remember, Konjufca defends himself in silence
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11 month ago
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In the Basic Court, the next session was held for the Speaker of the Assembly, Glauk Konjufca, who is accused of throwing tear gas in the Assembly.

On this occasion, the AAK MP, Pal Lekaj, as a witness in the case of Konjufca, said that he does not remember if tear gas was thrown in the meeting of the Assembly presidency and if that meeting was interrupted.

Also, Lekaj has repeated that he does not remember if the defendant Glauk Konjufca participated in that meeting.

Lekaj made this statement while answering the questions of the state prosecutor, Besart Mustafa.

Meanwhile, in the session held regarding the throwing of tear gas on August 10, 2016, the proposal of prosecutor Mustafa was approved for the same meeting to be administered as evidence for the final session.

In the end, the defendant Konjufca, accused in the case of throwing tear gas, has chosen to defend himself in silence and stand behind his earlier statements.

After the end of Konjufca's statement, his defense lawyer, Arbnora Zeqiri, requested additional time for the final speech of the session.

In the end, it has been decided that the final hearing will be held on Friday at 13:00.

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