Teachers on strike tomorrow, Jasharaj: This is a warning for tougher union actions
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2 year ago
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Teachers across the country will go on a one-hour strike tomorrow. Under the organization of the Teachers Union, kindergartens will be on strike from 06: 30-7: 30, while primary schools depending on the shifts, the first hour will be a strike, and universities from 10: 00-11: 00. The hours lost in the strike will not be compensated and if the Government of Kosovo does not react then from the Union say that they will stick to the scenario of entering a general strike. Among their demands, teachers but also public sector workers, demand an additional 100 euros with salaries until the adoption of the Law on Wages. Rraham Jasharaj, chairman of Teachers Union, stated for KosovaPress that tomorrow's strike is a warning, while adding that on May 20 there will be a protest of all public sector workers.
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