Svecla: MIA is waiting to be supplied with personal documents
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1 year ago
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The Minister of Internal Affairs, Xelal Sveçla, has stated that they are waiting for material for personal documents. According to him, there is a lack of raw materials, but it is expected that at the end of this month they will be supplied with the materials for driver's licenses and identity cards, and that two months from now, they will be supplied with passports.

In the plenary session, Svecla stated that the situation created after the war in Ukraine has affected the supply of raw materials for industrial production.

"The disruption of the raw material supply chain has implicated world economies causing massive global concern to all international companies, which are failing to meet demands across a wide range of goods. This situation created as a force majeure has also made an impact on the producers of material for personal documents. The problem of the lack of material and documents was presented at the beginning of August this year and it is not true that we had problems during the whole year", he said.

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