"Super Puna", the subsidy will also be made for young people up to 29 years old
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1 year ago
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The Government of Kosovo has expanded the "Super Puna" platform, subsidizing the employment of young people between the ages of 18 and 29, and not only from 18 to 25 as it was before. Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that through the 'Super Puna' platform, last year about 9,400 young men and women were employed, of which about 67 percent of them had their contracts extended by businesses.

Kurti said that the expansion of the beneficiary age group of this platform will encourage the employment of young people even more.

More details about the expansion of the 'Super Puna' platform were given by the Minister of Finance, Hekuran Murati, who said that in addition to the increase in the beneficiary age criterion, the same conditions, method of subsidy, form, and duration will be continued as it has been in the past.

In addition, he said there are currently over 62,000 young men and women in the labor market.

"Super Puna" is an employment platform created by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, within the Guaranteed Employment scheme for young people, which facilitates the access of young people to the labor market and helps businesses engage young workers. The subsidy from the government is in the amount of 264 euros per month, for a period of six months. /KosovaPress/

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