"Storm in the national team", analysts: FFK rightly expelled the three players
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The first two matches of the Kosovo National Team in the League of Nations, the defeat by Romania and the victory over Cyprus, were overshadowed by the scandal that erupted within the group of footballers, which also resulted in the exclusion of three stars, Edon Zhegrova, Aro Moric and Florent Muslija.

The decision made by coach Foda and the Football Federation came after the three players broke the rules of coach Foda by leaving the group and staying in nightclubs until late hours.

Such a decision, according to analyst Alban Lumi, was right as he considers that the rules must be strictly followed by all players.

Coach Robert Gjeraj was even harsher in his assessment. He told KosovaPress that no player should be tolerated when he does such actions.

Meanwhile, coach Gani Sejdiu has called the action of the three Kosovo stars a "serious violation".

Otherwise, for the fate of the three players, FFK has announced that the executive committee of the federation will eventually decide, while Kosovo will continue its journey in the League of Nations in October with the next two matches against Lithuania on the road, and Cyprus in Prishtina. /A.Bytyçi/

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