Skepticism about visa liberalization even after the elections in France
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2 year ago
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The skepticism about visa liberalization for the citizens of Kosovo is continuing even after the elections in France and the victory for the second term of the president, Emanuel Macron. France re-runs parliamentary elections in June and the reluctance of other skeptical EU countries is expected to make it impossible for the visa regime to be lifted during the French presidency of the Council of Europe. Although the ruling party sees Macron's victory as positive, those familiar with the EU integration process are skeptical of his positive moves regarding visa liberalization. The head of the parliamentary group of Vetëvendosje Movement, Mimoza Kusari-Lila says for KosovaPress that Kosovo can not be an exception to Macron's project for advancing the EU project. However, she refuses to talk about the timelines for visa liberalization, but says that the greater and more realistic chances for visa liberalization are with Macron as president than his opponent.
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