Rama and Selimi inspect the energy efficiency works in "Ulpiana"
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2 year ago
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Senior representatives of the Kosovo Millennium Foundation (MFK), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC,) and the Municipality of Pristina, visited today the famous towers of "Ulpiana", which are being renovated with efficiency measures energy through the program financed by MCC SEEK - "Subsidies for Energy Efficiency in Kosovo". During this field visit, the MFK team led by the executive director of the MFK, Petrit Selimi, Caitlin Reichart, Deputy Director of the Threshold Program for Kosovo and Përparim Rama, Mayor of the Municipality of Pristina, met with renovation experts and discussed for the progress of the works. On this occasion, Petrit Selimi, the executive director of MFK, expressed his enthusiasm for the opportunity to support Pristina and "Ulpiana" to solve the terrible problem of very old and dilapidated buildings. Selimi, showing that by the end of November all the works in these towera of "Ulpiana" will be completed, said that this is one of their favorite projects, where hundreds of residents will benefit from the complete renewal of energy efficiency. Meanwhile, the mayor Përparim Rama emphasized the importance of this investment, stating that the iconic towers of Ulpiana were in great need of intervention and thus, according to him, the renovated facades will give the towers a fresh look and will be safer for the residents.
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