Qendron Kastrati talks about the pandemic, education reform, and the possibility of re-election
The municipality of Kamenica is one of the first municipalities to be affected by the SARS-COV-2 virus. Besides the health of many citizens, the economy of this city was also affected. In addition to COVID, the mayor of this municipality, Qendron Kastrati, also faced dissatisfaction with education reform. With new local elections expected to be held in the autumn, Kastrati has not yet decided whether he will run again for another term.
As a result of the pandemic in the municipality of Kamenica during the last year over 30 businesses were closed while about 50 people were left without their jobs. Kastrati emphasizes that Kamenica has been one of the municipalities with a smaller budget, where despite this, he says that as a municipality they have managed to cope with the situation caused by COVID-19. He adds that they have managed to realize about 80 percent of the budget during the last year, saying that this is the biggest success achieved given the decline in revenues due to the pandemic.