Qelaj: We will send the Law on Elections to the Constitutional Court
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The Ombudsperson, Naim Qelaj, has warned of sending the Law on Elections to the Constitutional Court. He said that sending this law for constitutional evaluation is necessary, since the Law on Gender Equality has not been included in relation to the electoral lists of political subjects.

At the year-end conference, Qelaj addressed as a concern the decline in the implementation of the recommendations of Ombudsperson.

The Ombudsperson announced that during 2023, they received over 1,500 complaints from citizens and various institutions.

Speaking about the treatment of the former KLA leaders in The Hague, Qelaj said that their rights were violated in terms of restricting family visits.

He also announced the lack of communication with his counterpart in the Specialist Chambers in The Hague.

In addition, Qelaj said that during 2023, they sent five cases to the Constitutional Court, while he said that they reviewed 47 textbooks to avoid the content of hate speech. /KosovaPress/

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