Protest in Bujanoc, Mustafi: The message of the Albanians was clear
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6 month ago
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The Albanians of the Presheva Valley protested today against discrimination by Serbia.

The protest "For Identity and Dignity" was held in Bujanoc, where a large number of citizens participated.

"Knowledge is not verified", "Stop selective passivization" and "Return my address" were the calls of the Albanians, who demanded their rights by rejecting the ongoing discrimination.

Ragmi Mustafi from the Party for Democratic Action (PVD) says that the protest was peaceful, despite the provocations from different people.

In an interview for KosovaPress, Mustafi said that today's protest is a revolt against official Belgrade, which continues to discriminate against the Albanians of the Presheva Valley.

The message of the Albanians of the Presheva Valley, as Mustafi adds, has been clear and that they will continue to demand their legitimate rights.

He adds that there has been a tendency to hinder this protest, with campaigns organized by law enforcement agencies.

In today's protest held in Bujanoc, Mustafi says that there were provocations from different people.

In case the demands of the Albanians of the Presheva Valley are not taken into account, Mustafi emphasizes that the Organizational Council will decide how to continue the protest. /Sh. Pajaziti

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