Prishtina will start full-day classes, the relocation of some schools is expected
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7 month ago
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The Municipality of Prishtina has decided to start the full-day classes process for students from the sixth to the ninth grade. And with all these changes, the "Xhevdet Doda" school will be relocated again, as well as other schools.

This project, according to the Parents' Council, is a good decision and in accordance with the administrative instructions of the Ministry of Education and the Municipal Assembly of Prishtina.

While, according to youth education expert Qehaja, this reform requires great institutional commitment, great investments in infrastructure to guarantee a well-being for students during the entire time they stay at school and to raise the capacities of teachers to provide a teaching that goes beyond regular learning.

The spokesperson of the Municipality of Prishtina, Donat Lushaku, mentioned the "Xhevdet Doda" gymnasium, which will be relocated to the Mathematical Gymnasium in Prishtina, while the "Xhemail Mustafa" Elementary and Middle School will be located in the "Xhevdet Doda" facility.

Meanwhile, the secretary of the Parents' Council, Enver Balaj, told KosovaPress that full-day classes will always be supported, because those parents who are working, it is better for their children to be in full-day classes than "wandering through the streets", and it will bring a youth with a future.

And according to the education expert, Rinor Qehaja, full-day classes will be attractive for students only if there is real planning, there are activities, homework and that a program plan that is offered to schools is needed.

The KosovaPress team also visited the "Xhevdet Doda" Gymnasium, but the director of this school did not agree to talk about this issue.

The new curriculum for full-day classes has not yet been drawn up and sent for approval to the Municipal Assembly of Prishtina. /A.Shala/

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