Price Increases: Many citizens boycott supermarkets
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A large number of citizens have joined the initiative to boycott supermarkets as a result of the continuous rise in prices. They support this initiative, emphasizing that the state must take measures to stop this phenomenon. The initiative has gained support on social media, where a group of citizens has been formed, calling for the boycott. The movement has gathered support from more than 6,000 citizens, while over 200,000 others have been informed about it, according to KosovaPress.

Xhevat Kastrati, one of the founders of the initiative, stated today that there have been numerous reports from citizens that the boycott is being observed. However, he also mentioned that some individuals are unaware of the boycott due to the elections. A similar initiative was initially launched in several countries in the region, including Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and North Macedonia.

Citizens in Kosovo complain about high prices and price manipulation in some supermarkets.

Nexhmedin Llapashtica, a citizen supporting this initiative, believes that boycotts alone are not enough and that a stronger public reaction is needed.

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