Population census, challenging in the north and Prishtina
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11 month ago
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The population census in Kosovo has started a week ago and will last until May 17. However, challenges in this process are being seen in the four northern municipalities. This is because the Serbian enumerators have withdrawn following the call of the Serbian List to boycott this process.

But the interest of Serbs in registration is still positive, as over 1000 Serbs were registered in seven days, especially Thursday, where there was a mass registration of Serbs in all municipalities.

The Director of the Kosovo Agency of Statistics, Avni Kastrati, in an interview for KosovaPress, emphasizes that those who have decided to live in Kosovo, must be part of the population census, as non-participation means that they are not part of the community.

Likewise, Kastrati has shown that the population census is a challenge in the Municipality of Pristina due to the great mobility of citizens.

Meanwhile, regarding the coordination with the citizens of Kosovo in the population census, the director of KAS, Kastrati, said that if the citizens do not cooperate with the enumerators to fill out the questionnaire, fines will also be imposed on them.

Meanwhile, for the northern part of Kosovo, Kastrati emphasized that the start of the population census has been challenging and a little late due to the call of the Serbian List that the Serbs of Kosovo do not participate in the population census in Kosovo.

He said that despite this, Serbian citizens who live in the northern part have expressed their willingness to register and have taken the road to the southern part for registration.

Whereas, during the last population census in Kosovo, held in 2011, the process was not carried out in the four municipalities with a Serbian majority in the north, and it was also partially boycotted in other municipalities with a Serbian majority in Kosovo.

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