Political parties are using state resources for campaigning
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1 month ago
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Political parties are using state resources to campaign. Dozens of cases have been identified in the first week of the election campaign alone. Organizations monitoring this process say that official vehicles, public institution spaces, but also cases when civil servants are present at public gatherings, even during working hours, are being used.

The Law on General Elections prohibits the use of state resources during the election campaign period.

“With the exception of cases provided for by law, sources or resources of public institutions or bodies at the central or local level, or any other type of public institution, may not be used or put in support of political parties in elections,” states Article 36 of this law.

Senior researcher at the Kosovo Democratic Institute (KDI), Violeta Haxholli, tells KosovaPress that there have been cases of political parties being fined for using state resources.

“In some organizations of the ruling party there was a presence of official vehicles and public servants, but also in cases or activities organized by opposition parties such as PDK, LDK, AAK, especially in municipalities governed by these parties. Some cases have also been reported to the ECAP [Electoral Complaints and Appeals Panel], where some fines have been imposed...

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