Police provide details about the single vehicle accident where the 14-year-old lost his life
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3 year ago
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A 14-year-old passed away on Sunday, after he had a single vehicle accident in the village of Grikoc-Sallagrazhd in Suhareka. Police have shown that the 14-year-old died at the Prizren Hospital. “Grikoc - Sallagrazhd, Suhareka 02.01.2022 - 16:20. It was reported that the Kosovar male juvenile suspect, while driving the car with local license plates, had caused a self-accident by rolling over with the car. As a result of the accident, a Kosovar male juvenile victim was fatally injured, while a Kosovar male passenger was seriously injured and was sent for medical treatment to the regional hospital in Prizren. Relevant police units, firefighters, the prosecutor and the medical team went to the scene where the doctor confirmed the death of the victim. By order of the prosecutor, the dead body of the victim was sent to IML for autopsy", it is stated in the 24 hour report of the Kosovo Police.​
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