PDK opens the election campaign confident of big victory on February 9
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The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) has officially opened the campaign today in its joint journey with the citizens for victory in the parliamentary elections on February 9. On this occasion, it has also presented the winning team of 110 candidates for MPs.
PDK Chairman Memli Krasniqi has expressed his belief that the party he leads will emerge as the first political entity in Kosovo, as it offers the best experience and offers the best governing program.

“The celebration that we are starting tonight will be concluded together on the evening of February 9th in Pristina Square and throughout Kosovo, when we will gather again for the great victory of the PDK... I apologize to all those who did not make it inside this hall, but tonight we are asking a new obligation from the future Prime Minister Bedri Hamza, to build a hall three times larger in Pristina... After a month, we will elect a new Assembly, and after the Assembly, Kosovo will have a new government, which you, the citizens, will determine. Yes, I am convinced that this will be the result of these elections, a different government, a new government. Because I am convinced that with the overwhelming majority of citizens, I believe that Kosovo deserves and can do better. A Kosovo where every citizen can live with dignity... A better  Kosovo is what Bedri Hamza and the PDK team will create," said  Krasniqi.

He said that PDK has a proper program to improve the lives of citizens, to make Kosovo stronger and better, led by Bedri Hamza as Prime Minister, while calling the list of 110 candidates for MPs the best for the citizens of the country.
The PDK leader also mentioned the former leaders of the KLA, who are being unjustly held in The Hague, saying that they are eagerly awaiting their return to Kosovo.
Krasniqi accused the current government of failing to lead the country, bringing disappointment to the citizens.

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