PDK on PISA results: Minister Nagavci should resign
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The Democratic Party of Kosovo declares that PISA is the true reflection of Albin Kurti's governance. After the results of the PISA test, where Kosovo again came out with poor results, this opposition party criticized the current government saying that governmental illiteracy failed to reform the education system in our country. At the press conference, it was said that the Minister of Education, Arbërie Nagavci, should resign.

The MP of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Eliza Hoxha, said that the Kurti Government failed the exam yesterday and that the reforms mentioned in education have not been implemented.

At the press conference, Hoxha added that after the PISA results in 2018, Prime Minister Albin Kurti had called an extraordinary session.

Further, Hoxha said that the current government had promised to commit to quality education through the stabilization of the situation in schools after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, the member of the leadership of the PDK, Muzafer Shala said that minister Arbërie Nagavci should resign.

He said that students with low achievements should also be supported and there should be targeted interventions.

Among PDK's recommendations for education, Shala said that they also propose improving discipline and the learning environment and increasing the involvement of parents. Further, he also mentioned investments in digitization in the education system. /Sh. Pajaziti

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