Over 7,800 active cases of COVID-19
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2 year ago
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Currently, the total number of active cases with COVID is 7,837. The municipality of Pristina has the largest number with 1,208 active cases, followed by Prizren with 661 cases. In the Municipality of Gjilan there are are 540 active cases, in Peja 533, in Gjakova 471, Lipjan 432, Ferizaj 373, Fushe Kosova 357, Mitrovica 296 and in Klina 278 cases, as the 10 municipalities with the most cases. According to data from the National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo, since the beginning of vaccination in all cities of Kosovo, 1,834,735 doses of the vaccine have been given. To date, 824,263 citizens have been vaccinated with the second dose. To date, 104,754 third doses of the vaccine against COVID-19 have been given. While only 1,548 people were vaccinated with the fourth dose.
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