Over 42 thousand visitors to hotels during the month of December
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The Kosovo Agency of Statistics (KAS) publishes the Hospitality statistics in Kosovo for December 2022, where according to the number of local and foreign visitors, it was 42,042, of which 37.59% were local and 62.41% were foreign. According to KAS, in December 2022, part of the survey were 209 hotels, which exercise hotel activities in the territory of Kosovo.

"Meanwhile, the number of online stays was 81,202, of which 45.44% were from locals and 54.56% from foreigners. The region of Prishtina has the largest number of visitors with 16,235 visitors, while the region of Peja has the largest number of overnight stays with 29,959 overnight stays. The largest number of foreign visitors is concentrated in Prishtina, Prizren, Peja and so on. However, as far as foreign visitors are concerned, the largest number of them were from Albania, Switzerland, Germany, etc.

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