Osmani sends condolences after Sassoli's passing: He worked in the interest of Kosovo
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3 year ago
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The President of the country, Vjosa Osmani, sent condolences on the passing of the President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, saying that he was a special politician who had a commitment in the interest of Kosovo. "Today the political world has been left without the President of the European Parliament, Mr. David Sassoli. He left abruptly, leaving a void not only in the post he held but also in the political scene, as a rational, open and dedicated European man. A year ago, I had the honor to meet Mr. Sassoli in Brussels - a meeting that will stay with me forever. He was not only an incomparable professional, but also a dedicated and committed man, with a special interest in Kosovo, supporting it on the path of European integration", Osmani wrote.  
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