One year imprisonment against a person for usury in Deçan
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3 year ago
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The Basic Court in Peja-Branch in Deçan has announced the sentencing judgment against the defendant F.H. The person with the initials F.H was sentenced to one year in prison.

The court announced “At the end of March 2020 until 10.08.2020, in Deçan, taking advantage of the difficult financial situation of the injured party, he contracts and accepts for himself the significantly disproportionate amount of property in exchange for the service - the provision of money to the injured party, in such a way that at the above time he gives to the injured party the total amount of money of two thousand one hundred (2100) euros, where the injured party later returned the amount of two thousand (2000) euros of the basic debt remaining a debt the amount of one hundred (100) Euros, while the defendant has requested from the injured party a significantly disproportionate amount of another one thousand five hundred (1500) Euros as late interest and the amount of one hundred (100) Euros remaining from the debt, and in total the amount of one thousand six hundred (1600) euros, which the injured party failed to pay until 10.08.2020 and inflicts bodily harm on himself by staging and falsely reporting to the police the case of the attack in order to avoid the date when he had to give the money to the defendant, and the defendant thus realized material benefit in the name of unlawful interest in the total amount of one thousand five hundred (1500) euros, committing a criminal offense of usury under Article 331 par.1 of the CCK”...
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