Obiliq, Fushe Kosova, Drenas and a part of Prishtina without water
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4 year ago
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The Regional Water Company "Prishtina", has announced that as a result of rain in recent days, surface runoff has increased in the plain areas and then the same have ended again in the canal of Iber Lepenc, a canal from which water is taken to be then treated for drinking at ITUP Shkabaj. The water company says that because of this, there is an increase in turbidity to the level that made it impossible to treat drinking water in accordance with the standards and technology they possess. "In order to maintain the quality of drinking water, to preserve technological equipment, we are obliged to reduce to a minimum the production of water from this plant, in which case we are forced to cut off the supply of drinking water to consumers in the area. : Obiliq, Fushë Kosovë, Drenas and Calabria neighborhood in Prishtina," the statement said.
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