NATO admiral on dialogue: Governments acting unilaterally escalate tensions
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In the Camp "Film City" in Prishtina, the ceremony of the change of command of KFOR from Major General Ozkan Ulutas to the new commander Enrico Barduani was held. President Vjosa Osmani, Prime Minister Albin Kurti, foreign ministers and ambassadors in Kosovo participated in the ceremony.

Commander of the Allied Joint Forces Command in Naples, Admiral Stuart B. Munsch said that governments acting unilaterally outside of this dialogue unnecessarily escalate domestic and regional tensions, and unnecessarily undermine their own reputations as reliable international partners.

In her speech during this ceremony, President Osmani spoke about the cooperation of Kosovo's institutions with the NATO mission, mentioning the challenges during these years.

Osmani said that the people of Kosovo will continue to work closely with the KFOR mission.

The outgoing Commander of KFOR, Ozkan Ulutas, said that unfortunately there are still many challenges and tension in Kosovo.

After accepting the command, the new KFOR commander Enrico Barduani said that the security situation continues to evolve and that unity is vital.

At the KFOR change of command ceremony, President Osmani honored General Ulutas with a presidential military medal for his service as commander of this mission in Kosovo. /Sh. Pajaziti

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