Nagavci: Statements from SBAShK, strange and nonsense
The Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MEST), Arbërie Nagavci spoke about the government's program in the field of education, listing iclusive and digitalized education as one of the priorities. At the roundtable organized by the FOL Movement, Nagavci spoke about the statements of the leaders of SBAShK regarding the possibility of teacher evaluation, the urgent need to review textbooks, while announcing that next week in the Assembly of Kosovo the names of the new members of the State Quality Council will be sent.
Inclusive and digitized education, harmonization of vocational schools with the labor market, effective management of education at all levels, quality management in higher education and improving the environment for research and innovation, are the main priorities of Arbërie Nagavci during her mandate as Minister of Education. Nagavci said that they will support all teachers in their work, adding that the current legislation made clear the way of teacher evaluation.