Nagavci and Murati will be interviewed on Thursday at the Investigative Committee for textbooks
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The Parliamentary Investigative Committee for the process of subsidizing the purchase of textbooks and teaching aids for students at the level of Primary Education and Lower Secondary Education for the school year 2023/2024 approved the time dynamics of interviewing witnesses.

In the meeting held on Tuesday, the Committee decided to invite the Minister of Education, Arbërie Nagavci, and the Minister of Finance, Hekuran Murati, for an interview on Thursday. Meanwhile, it was decided that representatives of the Municipal Directorate for Education (MDE) and publishing houses will be interviewed next week.

The proposal to start the interview process with the ministers was given by LVV MP, Arjeta Fejza.

This was welcomed by the PDK MP, Bekim Haxhiu, who said that Nagavci and Murati are the main responsible for what this committee was founded on.

On the other hand, LVV MP, Mefail Bajqinovci, said that the Committee should meet every day to invite witnesses before the end of the spring session on July 31.

This was also welcomed by the chairman of the Committee, AAK MP, Shemsedin Dreshaj.

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