Murati says that Kosovo has the lowest level of debt, it is opposed by the opposition
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8 month ago
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The Minister of Finance, Hekruan Murati, has stated that during the previous year there was a decrease in the absolute value of the public debt, for which he said that the government has tried to stabilize these figures. After this statement, MPs from the opposition parties also criticized, since according to them, the public debt has not decreased.

At the meeting of the Committee on Budget, in which Minister Murati and representatives of Kosovo Customs and Tax Administration are reporting on the realization of revenues for the past year, Murati emphasized that the public debt in 2023 was 17.2 percent of GDP while adding that the percentage of disbursement is about 40 percent, where he said that the value of the ratified loans is worth about 300 million euros.

During the reporting, Murati also said that the average interest rate is brought to 2.4 percent despite the fact that there is a rapid increase in the interest rate by the European Central Bank in order to address the problem of inflation.

He added that currently Kosovo has the lowest level of debt in European countries.

Regarding this, there was criticism from the MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Avdullah Hoti, who asked Minister Murati to quote the figures correctly, since according to him, there is no debt reduction from this government.

Hoti asked the minister about the value of the loans that were ratified in the Assembly during the mandate of this government, as well as about the disbursement.

For this, Murati said that the figure of the ratification of the agreements is worth about 300 million euros.

Hoti added that despite the agreements being ratified in the Assembly, there is no progress on the part of the government, for which he accused the minister who has not done anything in this direction. According to him, if the figures of 2019 are compared, today there is 462 million euros more public debt.

For this, Murati has said that it is the first time in the history of this country that there has been a reduction in the level of public debt.

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