Muja accuses the opposition of sabotaging the work of the Investigative Committee on textbooks
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The meeting of the Investigative Commission on school textbooks failed to be held due to the lack of quorum. Opposition MPs were also absent on Tuesday, including the chairman of the Committee, MP Shemsedin Dreshaj and the deputy chairman, MP Ardian Kastrati. For these last two, MPs of the government said that they referred to the plenary session for non-fulfilment of parliamentary duties.

The member of the commission, LVV MP, Armend Muja, accused the opposition MPs and the chairman of sabotaging the work of the Investigative Committee.

According to him, the MPs of the government have shown commitment to the completion of the investigation on the textbooks, so that they do not become an obstacle for the opposition parties to propose investigative committees anywhere.

Among the items on the agenda of the investigative commission today was the general secretary of MEST, Fadile Dyla, the acting director of the pre-university education department, Avni Rexha, and Drita Kadriu, director of education in South Mitrovica. Despite the absence of the chairperson and deputy chairperson, the Investigative Committee on school textbooks developed yesterday under the chairmanship of MP Arjeta Fejza, for which the same was considered illegal and contrary to the Rules of the Assembly by the opposition./KosovaPress/

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