Muçostepa: It is very important to create a common market between WB6 countries
The President of the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania, Ines Muçostepa says that Kosovo should have greater participation in the International Business Fair, which is being held in Tirana.
According to her, the creation of a common market between the six countries of the Western Balkans (WB6), Albania, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia is very important, and that trade barriers should be removed.
She told KosovaPress that the business fair in Tirana, organized by Klik Ekspo Group, is the most important fair in the Balkans.
"We are an initiative of the Western Balkans, supported by the European Union. Creating a common market is very important, we have a lot of work to do, to eliminate the barriers that our businesses face in doing business in the market. And this is a big challenge that we are working on every day, but at the same time we have to work hard to bring the region's businesses closer to each other and to make the region's businesses competitive with what we expect, in terms of the European Union market", she said.
Muçostepa says that with the common market the countries will be stronger for free trade opportunities.
"At least 31 companies coming from the six countries have been registered in the agro-processing sector. A kind of lottery was made, they were selected based on certain criteria, and we have three intensive days of creating different B2B with the most powerful distribution networks, of supply. In order for all the products of six countries be in the big supermarkets of the same six countries. And on this occasion, people should get acquainted with our tastes, which are similar", she said.
The President of the Chambers of Commerce also talks about the participation of businesses from Kosovo in the Tirana International Fair.
"Next year I would very much like to have more stands from Kosovo, more businesses from Kosovo. We are working hard so that our businesses have as few barriers in trade exchanges between the two countries", she said.
The 27th edition of the Tirana International Fair is followed by the slogan "One Balkan, stronger Balkans".
For this, the president of the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania says that the six countries of the Western Balkans should be part of this process.
"In all processes, we have always asked for the six countries to be part of this process, started since the Berlin Process. We are all convinced that we can do something bigger for our small Balkans", she said.
The International Business Fair opened on Wednesday evening, and will close tomorrow.
KosovaPress News Agency and the Albanian Telegraphic Agency are the media sponsor of this fair. Both of them with their stands are participating in the International Business Fair.