MPs ask the director of the KIA for information on the incident with hikers in the north and the
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3 year ago
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The Director of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency (KIA), Petrit Ajeti, held an introductory meeting with the MPs of the Committee for Supervision of the agency he leads, where he was asked about the incident with the hikers in the north and about the previously published document, known as 'non-paper'. The meeting was held closed to the media, while after its completion, the chairwoman of the committee for oversight of the KIA, Ganimete Musliu said that during this meeting there were questions from MPs. Musliu in a press conference said that two of the issues for which the MPs have shown interest were the incident with the hikers in the north of Mitrovica and the "non-paper", the document published by the media, as an initiative of France and Germany for the resumption of dialogue and its conclusion with final agreement.In this regard, Musliu said that the director of the KIA has informed them that both of these issues have the proper attention of this agency.
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