MoH still without a contract for vaccines, the opposition accuses it of negligence
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3 year ago
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Kosovo is still the only country in Europe that has not signed a contract to purchase anti-COVID vaccines. Kosovars have so far been immunized with doses donated by the European Union and the World Health Organization. But despite this, the Ministry of Health says that they are already in the process of concluding a contract, and according to them, they are close to finalizing the contract with some of the companies.

"The Ministry of Health is in the process of concluding a contract for the purchase of necessary vaccines with some of the manufacturing companies. This process is in an advanced stage while with some of them this process is very close to finalization. In any case, due to the conditions of confidentiality to which this process is subject, not only with Kosovo, for other details you will be informed in due time", said the Political Advisor to the Minister of Health, Sami Uka in a written response to KosovaPress.
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