MFLT signs a sub-loan agreement in the amount of 5 million euros with Publicly Owned Enterprises
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2 year ago
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The Minister of Finance, Labor and Transfers, Hekuran Murati and the representatives of public enterprises: Post of Kosovo, Infrakos, Trainkos, RWC Prishtina and Telecom of Kosovo, In the framework of Measure 4.6 of the Economic Revival Package for Support of Public Enterprises, have signed today sub-loan agreements with a total value of about 5 million euros. According to the MFLT, these funds are expected to assist Publicly Owned Enterprises in their recovery from the financial difficulties they have faced from declining revenues as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. "Agreements sub-borrowed by MFLT to Publicly Owned Enterprises have the same financial terms as the Vital Infrastructure Emergency Liquidity Loan Financing Agreement, which means that favorable financial terms are transferred to Publicly Owned Enterprises," the ministry said in a statement. On this occasion, Minister Murati praised the cooperation with the EBRD for enabling this agreement that supports Publicly Owned Enterprises. He stressed that the Government remains committed to ensuring the fair and professional management of Publicly Owned Enterprises, as important providers of the country's vital infrastructure.
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