LVV and LDK consider restoring reciprocity with Serbia, AAK demands US at the table
The continuation of the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia is being considered as without alternative even after the February 14 elections. But this time, political parties see the return of reciprocity towards Serbia as an option. Unlike in the past, where only Vetevendosje Movement insisted on this measure, now such voices are being heard in the LDK. While in Ramush Haradinaj's party, they demand the involvement of the USA again for reaching a final agreement with Serbia that includes mutual recognition.
The leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, at the same time the candidate for prime minister, Albin Kurti, expressed his determination that the relations with Serbia, after the elections, will be built only on the basis of reciprocity. Although seven months ago, the LDK, as the main party in government, lifted reciprocity measures against Serbia, this idea is now seen as one of the most realistic options for the neighboring state. While, the vice president of AAK, Ahmet Isufi says for KosovaPress, that the dialogue with Serbia should continue, with mutual recognition as the only topic on the table.